In case of emergency call 000 and ask for Police
For remote area trips a Personal Locator Beach (PLB) or similar device with satellite comms is strongly recommended.
Ambulance insurance is strongly recommended for the state/country you live in.
Overseas trips:
Check that your travel insurance covers backcountry skiing. Many policies do not provide cover if mountaineering equipment is used.
The Austrian Alpine Club (UK) provides insurance for members that may cover activities that other travel insurance may not.
Emergency phone numbers
Some emergency phone numbers are provided below. Check all numbers for countries to visited before a trip.
Australia: 000 and ask for Police
New Zealand: 111
United States: 911
Canada: 911
Japan: 119 (Ambulance) 110 (Police)
France 112 or 15 (Ambulance) 17 (Police)
Germany 112 (Ambulance) 110 (Police)
Italy 112
Norway 113 (Ambulance) 112 (Police)
Sweden 112
Great Britain 999 or 112
Russia 103 (Ambulance) 102 (Police)
Switzerland 144 (Ambulance) 117 (Police)
External links
List of emergency telephone numbers - Wikipedia
Emergency communication devices - Bushwalking Manual